1993 a brief look back..
 Camel's live recording Never Let Go |
Never Let Go. is Camel's finest live album to date. This double Cd package has received highpraiae for it's sound quality and complete, unedited concert length. All photographs were taken by fans at various performances, giving the album a personal touch. The temptation to edit, dub or otherwise 'improve' live recordings is not an easy one to resist but the support and encouragement of fans won the day and the recording was virtually untouched. Letters from fans said "Never Let Go...brought back the feelings on the night" and fans who could not attend claimed "...we felt as if we were actually there". This is the greatest feedback CP could wish for.
NEW CAMEL ALBUM keeping a promise
Keeping his promise not to let another silent 7 years pass, Andrew Latimer has recently begun writing the next Camel album. As an Independent, Andrew will take full advantage of Camel's freedom from pressure of scheduled releases and until the album is fully composed and recording well underway, no release date will be announced. This ensures the personal intimacy Andrew creates for Camel. At press time, Colin Bass, Mickey Simmonds, and Paul Burgess had reaffirmed the Camel line-up. With such superb sound quality on Never Let Go, Andrew Lalimer plans to work again with sound engineer Andrew Jones and if all goes well, Camel will be back on the road with a world tour in 1995.
CAMEL VIDEOS visual affirmation
Pressure Points, Camel Live in Concert. This 90 minute show was recorded at London's Hammersmith Odeon in 1984 but has been unavailable for several years. Now, CP is able to offer Presssre Points which contains extra visuals - added by Producer Mike Mansfield (CP will be interested to see if fans are able to spot Andrew, Colin, David Paton and others in cameo roles). Pressure Points does not, however, contain the entire performance and CP is at last able to offer this video also. From the archives of Camel's own collection, entitled Total Pressure CP has been given permission to share with fans the entire concert, unedited, undubbed and unmixed, just as it was performed on ihe night, time-code included! Total Pressure will be CP's first official video bootleg.
At press time, progress towards releasing the amateur recording of Camel's 1992 performance was laboriously slow. The poor quality of the recording has posed more problems than initially expected and for now this concert will not be offered. CP will continue to work on the release of this video and is confident of more encouraging news in our next newsletter later this year.
DISTRIBUTION meeting the challenge
UK distribution is now fully in place through Pinnacle Records. All CP releases are now available in the UK so fans need not pay high import prices any longer. Pinnacle is an excellent company and if your local shop does not stock CP's releases, have them contact Ian Rowe at Pinnacle Records.
CP is also pleased to announce distribution in Spain through DiscMedi. Spanish fans can request their shops contact Just Leon at DiscMedi for CP releases.
MEDIA EXPOSURE Watchful eyes
Fans from all over the world have sent articles from their local newspapers or magazines that have covered Camel releases and performances. Press information is vital to the future of a band's touring schedule and these articles illustrate the world-wide appeal of Camel thus enabling the band to tour more venues in more countries. CP is especially grateful to the fans who keep careful watch over Camel publicity. Translations are not necessary but CP's linguistic talents are minimal and a short explanation of the article is helpful. Keep up the good work.
Long-time Camel offciaoado and Decca/Deram Records exec., John Tracy has informed CP that The Single Factor will be re-released by Deram on compact disc. Release dales are notoriously off their mark, but John says we should be able to rely on The Single Factor being available by summer.
Not just a database
Camel's mailing list is a lifeline to the band and the most effective way of distributing our news. All names and addresses are confidential. CP will continue to offer Camel's newsletter free of charge. However, as we grow and our list expands, so does the expense of postage. CP now asks only for International Reply Coupons from our Non-USA fans and 1st class stamps from USA fans but if this request poses financial hardship on anyone, please be assured that you will continue to receive Camel's newsletter. CP appeals to all fans -- notify us of any changes to your address. A newsletter sent to a dead address is a waste of our valuable resources. Help us continue to publish a free newsletter. Keep us informed so we can keep you informed.
Only one registration is necessary. Some enthusiastic fans have sent in a registration card for each purchase and this causes a duplication which doubles or triples the expense of our mail. CP is flattered to see such enthusiasm but one registration is all you need for us to stay in touch.
PHOTOGRAPHS Live and otherwise
Photos of Camel live onstage are much sought after by CP who still wants to hear from the many photographers whose cameras clicked steadily during the tour particularly in Detmold, Germany. CP is eager to have more shots of Camel and asks all who have Camel photo's to send copies. Thanks go to all who have sent personal photographs. CP now has a special picture album in which to keep these treasured mementos safe. It is gratifying for CP to see the many incredible ways in which a Camel teeshirt can be worn and it is especially a pleasure to see future Camel fans playing with mother or father's Camel collection. This is true dedication to the band.
1992 Tour Scrapbook
 A very motley crew from left: Colin Bass, Colin Clark (monitors), Laurie Small (Tour Manager) with a plate on his head, Andrew Latimer and Paul Burgess on the crew bus after performing at the Bataclan, Paris. Photo: Mickey Simmonds
Backstage with Andrew Latimer, George Hofmann (German tour rep) and Mickey Simmonds (Photo: unknown, Detmold, Germany) |
Crew boss and guitar tech, Martin Prior with Mickey in Osaka, Japan (Photo: unknown)
 Andrew Jones, sound engineer extraordinaire (photo: Kato Clark, Niremburg, Germany)
As requested...
Andrew -- Fender Strat (Eric Clapton), Gibson Les
Paul, Roger Giffin Strat, Ibanez Artist, Two Fender Twins (stereo), Mesa Boogie
MKI, Armstrong Flute, Two Chandler stereo echo units, Strings: Ernie Ball
regular slinky's, Picks: Fender Heavy, 2 Rat fuzz boxes, ebo sustainer,
2 whirlwind A&B, Boss chorus, electric harmonix, double tracker, CP70, Yamaha
piano, D70 Roland.
Mickey -- Roland RD1000, 2 Roland PC-200 controller
keyboards, Yamaha DX-7, Roland D-50, Prophet 2002, Roland MKS80, Proteus 1+2,
Roland Dep-5, Alesis Quadraverb, Function-Junction 8X8 and 16X16, Alesis
Datadisk, Mackey 16-channel mixer, Carver power amp.
Colin -- Wal bass, Zon fretless, Roland bass pedals,
Roland PC-200 controller keyboard.
Paul -- Yamaha kit, Paiste Cymbals, Roland Octopad,
E-max sampler.
What's Up?
Andrew Latimer sends his sincere thanks for the kind cards/letters of sympathy at the death of his father. Mickey Simmonds has been touring on and off with Paul Young since Oct. '93, inbetween working on a solo album. Colin Bass has enjoyed exciting success with his alter ego Sabah Habas, achieving a hit single in Indonesia with his song Den Pasar Moon. CP is proud of Camel's Basso-Profundo. Ever-drumming Paul Burgess sent a post card from his traveling sessions promising to write soon.
CP takes heed of the many requests fans have made for sheet music and is looking into this possibility. If you are interested send us a list of the tracks you would most like sheet music for and if it is financially feasible, CP will announce availability and prices in the next newsletter.
CP thanks Brad Owen for scanning the photo's in this publication.
Newsletter written by Harriet Stroud & Paris Ford
Edited by Roger Wells